Other than the principal server manufacturer, also Intel and AMD which are the powerful vendor of the x86 microprocessor participate in development of this benchmark. If it is decided that vendor each company which participates to development really adopts this benchmark, the user says that it becomes possible to compare the energy efficiency of the group of servers where the vendor differs.
This test suite which release is done is called sepc-power formallyonDecember 11th. As for the staff of SPEC this summer, the same test suite was declared "release it does within year", that.
As for the benchmark developer of SPEC, "rather than always showing the highest performance, the enterprise which you think that the person who shows the performance which at low energy cost it can be satisfied is good has increased, this benchmark was born as the result", that it has explained.
Furthermore, the American protection of the environment agency (EPA), individual grade standard "Energy Star" is decided as a part of the program which decides the upper limit of the electric power consumption in data center,, but the conception of SPEC and EPA competition it is not something which is adjusted, both have tackled being joint to the energy consumption problem of data center from last year.
The United States Hewlett-Packard (HP) with the senior performance engineer, Claus D tar participates to benchmark development as a patsy of SPEC sub-committee (Klaus-Dieter Lange) the person Energy Star of EPA, is estimate that it becomes something which resembles with the benchmark of SPEC. The same person "with HP has used the benchmark of SPEC already in the server of the respective company. You say also EPA probably will adopt immediately our results ".
Other than HP, also Dell, Fujitsu Siemens Computers, IBM and Sun Microsystems etc. participate to the development of SPECpower_ssj2008.
This benchmark CPU of the server, creates the Java based application workload in order to move the system component of cash and memory etc., from stand by measures the electricity consumption quantity at each utilization stage to system resource 100% busy condition. According to the development authorized personnel of the test suite, you say that it is the schedule where in the future also workload of type other than application job is added.
The Lawrence Berkeley national laboratory (LBNL) with the research worker, May which does advising EPA concerning the energy problem of data center (Jonathan Koomey) as for the person, "because there was no expedient which compares the energy efficiency of the system which so far differs, as for the point that, it is big advance you can obtain the actual measurement data," you say, appraise the benchmark of SPEC high.
According to the research Koomey, approximately 1,230 hundred million kilowatt hours (kWh) with, 76% it rose in 2010, you call the electric power which the server in the world consumes in 2005 that 2,160 hundred million kWh ago. In addition, that rise of the electric power consumption quantity is most remarkable it has reported that coal thermal power generation to be wide is the countries of the Asia Pacific region which has spread.
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