Social networking function and contents transmission and contents function are included in the EOS platform. The media solution section general manager and the Don Shine man of Cisco (Dan Scheinman) according to the explanation of the person, EOS the media enterprise where we would like to add SNS performance to the respective company media/service is the pattern which becomes the platform which is offered to the main object.
Scheinman "was not the service provider, media enterprise targetting it keeps selling (the EOS platform)", you said, presently, Cisco the same platform SaaS (the Software as a Service) revealed the fact that to the plan which is offered with the model it is during 2008.
Cisco in 2007 February, has purchased the United States Five Across which offers SNS. Furthermore portion of the property of the United States Utah Street Networks which manages of the SNS sight is purchased in March, social networking technology is acquired. According to Cisco, you call the EOS platform that it was developed on the basis of the technology these 2.
Scheinman did not make the detailed fee system of the EOS platform clear, but you expressed that it is the intention of keeping collecting fee via the joint announcement contract with the media enterprise.
Cisco already has offered the EOS platform to and With, making use of the alpha edition of the same platform, the kid lock of the singer (Kid Rock) the fan page is constructed inside the Web sight of NHL.
Cisco here several years, has conveyed the idea of keeping corresponding to also the needs of the general consumer and small-scale enterprise. The EOS platform is thought the thing which is on the extended line of such strategy. You speak that it is necessary to evolve into the existence CEO of the same company, John (John Chambers) the person around ahead, as for Cisco not only calling the network equipment vendor which offers the mere switch/the rooter, exceeds that.
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