The in memory database, housing the data in memory, from the fact that it handles, usual disk based DBMS compared to operates to high speed. Because of this, very high speed such as call routing and bond transaction with the telephone network you are proud of high popularity in the field which is required processing. Famous enterprise such as American Cisco Systems and Germany Siemens, Swedish TeliaSonera and Finnish Nokia has connected name in the customer list of Solid.
As for IBM the same day, it announced that it is the schedule which concludes the contract with Solid 2008 1st quarter, but it did not make clear concerning the purchase amount. IBM have assumed that real time data access performance can be added to the database of the respective company, with the purchase of Solid. Furthermore, the United States Oracle which is the rival of IBM purchased TimesTen of in memory database vendor 2 years ago.
When contract concludes, because the high performance the independence of Solid which develops the transaction engine is lost in the one for database of MySQL, it is seen that it becomes the big wound, for MySQL. 2 years ago, Oracle purchased Innobase which developed the MySQL transaction engine whose at that time popularity is highest.
Oracle "InnoDB" the license continues to provide also after the purchasing to MySQL, but by the fact that Innobase is purchased, MySQL started searching the vendor which becomes substituting. The 1 Tsuga, it participated in the storage engine recognition program of MySQL, it was Solid which open source edition of the database engine release is done in for MySQL.
Whether or not the data server charge vise President of IBM, (Arvind Krishna) the person continues and develops the engine of MySQL concerning declaration was avoided. "It is not the stage which still you comment. Privately there is no especially prejudice, but developing the engine of result and MySQL where both corporations examined possibility can partly due to the fact that it judges that it is meaningless, ", that the same person.
With say, MySQL the individual transaction engine to be in the midst of developing, in the future it is the expectation which weakens the degree of dependence to the partner. The engine of the respective company development which is called "Falcon", is seen that it is loaded onto "MySQL 6.0" of general release schedule onto 2008 latter half.
IBM had exchanged Solid and partner contract from the time before. Purchasing, when by the fact that you place under direct controlling, it can raise the competitiveness for "Oracle TimesTen" Krishna points out. "Competing with Oracle, when it is, you have been convinced the field which it can win", (the same person)
"We want the existing customer of Solid feeling at rest. IBM which has abundant financial ability and development power keeps supporting securely ", that Krishna emphasizes. In addition, as for the same person "to conclusion of a contract 3? 12 weeks it is required, but you think "that we would like to conclude as urgently as possible, that you say. Furthermore, the purchase of Solid when this year it becomes 12th acquisition for IBM, is thing.
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