Reading the article of eWeekby PeterGalli, in the future of the Linux bender it became worry. The sale of the Linux server with the x86 hardware levels off, the rate of change says that past 6 quarter from 53% increase it has fallen to 4% decrease. But, when it tries investigating a little, it could pinpoint the mistake of insistence of that article easily.
Galli sells and is discharged the data Quarterly Server of IDC Tracker (QST) with. Then, when the report is searched with the sight of IDC,following kind of description was found in the August report. "The sale of the Linux server 5 quarter increases with continuation, at against the pervious year becomes 19.0% growth, entire sale amount of this quarter reaches to 18 hundred million dollars. In addition, ratio of the Linux server who is occupied in the sale of all server from 12.1% of the preceding year presently has extended to 13.6% ",
In any case, knowing that it does not change in decrease, it continued to search QST which the original becoming aware and Galli quote abruptly, but it was not found after all. Somehow, only the pay member the report which cannot be perused it seems. That is helpless, gives the copy of this report from the Web sightyou asked the public information sectionof IDC, verified circumstance by the next day telephone. You could not receive the copy of QST which corresponds, but Mike Shirer of IDC said certainly like this. "As for the article Galli of example it is something which considerably distorts fact terribly",
After that, you became aware in word Bill Hilf of Microsoft being quoted to the article Galli. If CEO of Microsoft, that person Steve Ballmer is made another, most it is the person who does not become confidence on this earth as the partner who is asked concerning Linux. (Microsoft being included) in the primary source of the article which picks up Linux, this IDC from the fact that you declared that "distortion of fact" is, as for everything after all as for the Linux server, the air did the article Galli to be no more than an apprentice lifting, whether it is not the share of the market and so on not to lose.
Red Hat and Novell which past cover 6 quarter (Linux business) the sale
It tried inspecting then the gross sales of Red Hat which has succeeded and the gross sales which is based on the Linux platform of Novell past over 6 quarter at the profit-making business of Linux to the thing which already a little advances investigation individually, most. Instead of in being surprised, as for being understood from that graph the sale of the Linux server these 2 it is the most major company which markets the FOSS platform decrease it was to have increased. Also both corporations every quarter continue to renew the highest value.
So, it probably has error in QST of IDC that Galli referred to? But being not to be able to refer to the inspection slip, you cannot say at all. Actually, as for committing error with the latest case it is not IDC and Galli is not that it is thought whether. But, if we assume that IDC has counted just the shipment quantity of the server at factory level, in the point, comparison of Linux and Windows in the actual world it means to use the meaningless data. Red Hat and Novell, (regards Linux) the subscription (utilization contract during fixed period) has obtained the considerable part of the profit because with compensatory support of the server software with type.
For example, when you see direct closely quarter of Red Hat, it is something 85% of gross sales 1 hundred million 2720 ten thousand dollars due to the subscription. Because of that, the shipment quantity of the server scale of the market, growth characteristic, has not reflected persistent any of them. It seems that the person who cannot understand this easily is. By the way, the article was written before concerning the difficulty which digitalizes the coefficient of useof the open source.
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