
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

For NEC and the enterprise which utilizes open source SNS SaaS type service

NEC announced that 2007 October 9th, for the enterprise which designates the open source software as the base offer of SaaS type SNS service "Social Tool Mart" is started. You say that communication between the inside enterprise of enterprise and SNS which had the conversational function of enterprise and the customer consumer can be constructed.

With the service which designates "OpenPNE" of open source SNS as core, cooperating with the tool of contents management, task management, schedule management, EC and CRM etc., it tried to be able to utilize with various uses. Because API is serviced, the user also can develop the cooperation tool at the respective company.

It is OSS stack in middleware layer, "SpikeSource core stack" was adopted. As for utilization fee, SNS as a single unit per 1 contract month amount 7 ten thousand Yen (classified by tax) from. Consecutively starting from October, expanding service the cooperation tool. The schedule which arranges 15 types 3 years later. The sale of annual 3 hundred million Yen, you aim toward the customer acquisition 100 in 3 years later.

As a first number, Mitsui Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. sale, for the baby boom generation introduced into member system office facility "phase creation place" as trial service. <>

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